Honey Scented Oolong

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Product information

賽香丹烏龍 Honey Scented Oolong

2016 「食品界米其林」iTQi 2星評價 2016 Artisanal Tea Classic "Michelin of Food" ITQI 2-star rating

  • 1000公尺
    • 蜜香、熟果香、桂花香
    • Honey aroma, ripe fruit fragrance, osmanthus fragrance
  • 中發酵
    • 木質味、果味、蜜甜味,尾韻微收斂性。
    • Woody taste, fruity flavor, honey sweetness, slightly astringent aftertaste
  • 輕中焙火 
    Light to medium roast
At the end of summer one year, tea farmers discovered the influence of a green insect (little green leafhopper) in the tea garden. The "insect bite" of humans, which was originally not so appropriate, was not only the ingenuity of nature, but also a matter of tea farmers and the seasons. A wonderful gift from the land. This tea is an oolong tea, with an orange-brown tea soup and the unique strong and sweet honey flavor of this mountain tea. This is a beautiful gift returned by nature, and it is good news for tea lovers.

球型泡法 Ball Type Steeping Method

  1. 先以熱水溫壺
    • Warm up the teapot.
  2. 將溫壺水倒掉,取好茶葉並放入壺內
    • Pour the warm water out. Put 5-7 grams of tea into the pot.
    • 茶量:平頭盅 5-7g / 100ml
    • Tea amount: Flat cup 5-7g / 100ml
  3. 將熱水沿著壺沿注水
    • Pour hot water into the teapot.
    • 注水量:100°C / 212°F
    • Water temperature: 100°C / 212°F
  4. 沸靜置等候
    • Wait patiently.
    • 第一泡 50 Sec
    • First infusion: 50 seconds
    • 第二泡 60 Sec
    • Second infusion: 60 seconds
    • 第三泡 70 Sec
    • Third infusion: 70 seconds
  5. 出湯並品飲好茶
    • Pour the tea out and enjoy it!

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